
Czech Beer Culture (ČPK - Česká Pivní Kultura)

ČPK is a culture based on the excessive consumption of incredibly generic Czech lager at the lowest possible price. The goal is to drink as many of these beers as possible and get drunk as late as possible - however, intoxication must come, otherwise it would be pointless. The biggest show-offs beat their wife at home, wake up the neighbors and go to sleep peacefully.

Adherents of ČPK are characterized by their contempt for other beer styles, swearing at everything that is not according to their ideas and also by the fact that they have deeper pockets than others, because they have spent everything on cigarettes and cheap beer.


A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night

Amber IPA

A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night


A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night


A beer style that sells better when you call it a cold IPA and also keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night


A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night

Pastry stout

A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night

Pastry sour

A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night


A beer style that everyone talks about as a session, but no one really knows anything about it, so it's not drunk much and it also keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night


A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night


A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night