We founded the Crazy Clown Flying Brewery in Brno in 2016. Yes, thanks to this alone we can safely rank among the craziest breweries in the Czech Republic, but they say we are the craziest. We really wouldn't have achieved that by simply founding a brewery in Brno.
What got us to the top was the use of unconventional ingredients, such as cuttlefish ink, shit (okay, it's not really shit, but what else is civet coffee?), dried tuna, jam, all kinds of imaginable fruits, tears of pensioners, jam, tears of newborns, chilli, prepared rodent heads, shrimp and the least traditional ingredient - hops. We are not afraid of anything and we are capable of going to the greatest extremes - for example, we do not use Citra hops on principle, which is one of the most extreme ways of production for us.

Stars of our brewery


Since our inception, we have brewed almost 100 different beers, we don't know the exact number, we won't know it and we don't even want to know it, because that would make us just calculators in a short time and we don't know why we should know it, when you can't buy all those beers anyway. Many of them were brewed only once, sometimes some even three or four times. No more. At most five times. And once even six times. But really no more - at least at the time of writing this text.
In 2017, we moved the brewery to Prague. There we opened the U Klauna Brewery at Pod Harfou 68. Unfortunately, you can no longer visit it, because we were forced to close it in 2022 after the covid madness. But you can visit other places where we deliver our beer. Or use our e-shop.
In 2023, we stepped on the gas, invested in a more permanent base, which now makes us more of a guest brewery than a flying brewery, and thus begins a new era of Crazy Clown.
ČPK is a culture based on the excessive consumption of incredibly generic Czech lager at the lowest possible price. The goal is to drink as many of these beers as possible and get drunk as late as possible - however, intoxication must come, otherwise it would be pointless. The biggest show-offs beat their wife at home, wake up the neighbors and go to sleep peacefully.
Adherents of ČPK are characterized by their contempt for other beer styles, swearing at everything that is not according to their ideas and also by the fact that they have deeper pockets than others, because they have spent everything on cigarettes and cheap beer.
A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night
A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night
A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night
A beer style that sells better when you call it a cold IPA and also keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night
A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night
A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night
A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night
A beer style that everyone talks about as a session, but no one really knows anything about it, so it's not drunk much and it also keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night
A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night
A beer style that keeps orthodox lovers of light lager awake at night
The list of pubs, bars and beer shops where we regularly deliver our beer.
Real availability depends on specific place.
You can also use our e-shopu to buy beer for yourself.
List on Google Maps
- circus, place where Crazy Clown should be always available
- our beer is available on tap
- our beer is available n bottle or can